PBL Resources

2024-03-13 - Learn more about the Thought Stretchers Education in-person and online project-based learning workshops.

2024-02-26 - Read about the project-based learning aligned TMSR instructional design model at Educause.

2024-02-11 - Learn more about the 2024 Institute on Project-based Learning at the Worcester Polytechnic Institute.

2024-01-17 - Check out this business take on the real-world value of project based learning.

2024-01-15 - Read Our Kids' listings of project-based learning in Canadian private schools.

2023-11-12 - Browse some of the student projects at High Tech High, one of the most well known project-based learning infused schools.

2023-10-12 - Check out the Harvard Graduate School of Education’s project-based learning summary.

2023-09-15 - Learn more about the University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Education's commitment to project-based learning.

2023-05-09 - Effie-Ling Heslop summarizes a conceptual framework for project-based learning.

2023-04-25 - Read the updated Wikipedia summary for project-based learning.

2023-03-04 - Download the Edmonton Regional Learning Consortium’s Project-based Learning Guide.

2023-02-01 - Learn more about the Buck Institute for Education’s PBL World 2023 conference.

2022-11-15 - Check out the project-based learning PBL Simplified podcast.

2022-11-09 - The 2023 iteration of PBL World, the premier conference for project-based learning, will be held on June 26-29, 2023.

2022-10-01 - Writing tor Forbes, Tom Vander Ark discusses the merits of project-based learning post-pandemic.

2022-09-01 - Erik Ofgang introduces the fundamentals of project-based learning.

2022-08-14 - Check out the lightning talk about project-based learning from Boston University.

2022-06-03 - Chalk introduces the benefits of project-based learning.

2022-04-02 - The Centre for Project-based Learning at Worcester Polytechnic Institute has published a "Statement of Commitment to Equity and Inclusion" NEW!

2022-03-28 - Feedback Fruits has published Matteo Rinaldi's overview of team-based learning. NEW!

2022-03-16 - Simon Fraser University has chronicled its CityStudio Vancouver community-based learning initiative. NEW!

2022-01-05 - The 2022 Institute on Project-based Learning will be held at the Worcester Polytechnic Institute from June 21 to 24, 2022. Applications to attend are now being accepted.

2021-12-01 - The Graduate School of Education at the University of Pennsylvania is offering a certificate in project-based learning.

2021-10-13 - Katerine Hutt Scott has written a U.S. News article, titled “What is Project-based Learning?”

2021-07-15 - Rhonda Hill and Kristi Wagner have written an article for PBLWorks that outlines “The State of Project-based Learning in 2021”.

2021-06-14 - PowerSchool has written an extensive introduction to project-based learning, titled “Project-based Learning: Benefits, Examples, and Resources”.

2021-05-28 - Melissa Randazzo et al have published the research article “Project-based Learning and Traditional Online Teaching of Research Methods during COVID-19: An Investigation of Research Self-efficacy and Student Satisfaction” in the Frontiers in Education journal.

2021-02-22 - In a new article, Michigan State University’s College of Education posits whether project-based learning might be “A Remedy for COVID Learning Loss?”.

2021-02-21 - Edutopia has published an article by Youki Terada titled “New Research Makes a Powerful Case for PBL”.

2021-02-21 - Lucas Educational Research has released the results of four studies that focus on project-based learning.

2020-05-03 - In a Hello World blog entry, Mark Calleja connects project-based learning with digital education strategies.

2020-04-18 - Muhammad Ilyas' article for Technology Times explores project-based learning within the Pakistan higher educational context.

2020-03-11 - Magnify Learning has published a series of project-based learning blogs.

2020-01-27 - A Grand Canyon University blog entry explores project-based learning in music classrooms.

2019-12-01 - The Centre for Project-based Learning at the Worester Polytechnic Institute invites applications (due February 14, 2020) to attend the June 16 – 19, 2020 Institute on Project-based Learning.

2019-11-07 - Nora Mcnulty has written an opinion article on the benefits of project-based learning in higher education.

2019-09-29 - Forbes summarises the results of two large-scale reports which conclude that problem-based learning is effective.

2019-09-19 – In her Chronicle of Higher Education article, Beth McMurtrie focuses on supporting the project-based learning experiences of first year post-secondary students.

2019-08-05 - Study International has published an article on the benefits of project-based learning.

2019-05-22 - Terri C. Albert highlights five key project-based learning practices in her Harvard Business Publishing article.

2019-05-06 - This article highlights the key elements of the University of Pennsylvania’s Graduate School of Education Project-based Learning Certificate program.

2019-04-26 - The Centre for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition will be hosting an Exploring Project-based Learning summer institute on July 22-26, 2019.

2019-04-21 - Health Professions Education has published a 50 years retrospective on problem-based learning at McMaster University.

2019-04-15 - Check out the project-based learning resources at Getting Smart.

2019-03-10 - The Buck Institute for Education will be hosting PBL World 2019 on June 18-20.

2019-03-06 - Read the interview with Professor Nell Duke titled “Do Standards and Project-based Learning Go Hand in Hand?”

2019-02-18 - The NWS Government in Australia has published an article titled, “Finding Inspiration for Project-based Learning Projects”.

2019-02-05 - Stanford University has republished a Currents in Teaching and Learning review of the book, “Hacking Project-based Learning: 10 Easy Steps to PBL and Inquiry in the Classroom” by Ross Copper and Erin Murphy.

2019-01-09 - More and more universities, such as California State University - Fresno, are highlighting the pedagogical benefits of project-based learning.

2018-12-12 – Valerie Strauss’s Washington Post article surveys project-based learning, including its historical antecedents.

2018-11-15 - Sam Houston University has published an article titled, “Project-based Learning in Higher Education”.

2018-11-01 - CNN has published an article which references project-based learning.

2018-10-01 - The academic journal Currents in Teaching and Learning has published a special issue on project-based learning.

2018-10-01 - Lauren Faggella has published an article on how Summitt Learning approaches project-based learning curriculum development.

2018-09-25 - Erik M. Francis has published a blog entry which explores the debate between projects vs project based learning.

2018-06-13 - The University of Indianapolis and Columbus Signature High School are collaborating on two four-day PBL workshops that are scheduled for June 25-28, 2018.

2018-06-12 - The most recent issue of The Interdisciplinary Journal of Problem-based Learning has been published.

2018-05-09 - The Buck Institute for Education invites applications for a new TEP/district partner to join an an existing teacher preparation project-based learning initiative.

2018-04-15 - Learn more about the Project-based Learning Certificate Program which is offered by the School of Education at the University of Pennsylvania.

2018-04-05 - A U.S. News article by Lauren Camera focuses on the connections between project-based learning and STEM education.

2018-03-16 - McMaster University is launching a unique online project-based learning course in partnership with Riipen.

2018-02-16 - The PBL for the Next Generation conference is currently underway. The conference is organized by Santa Clara University.

2018-02-15 - Teach Thought has published an article by Jennifer Rita Nichols which describes ten practical ideas for project-based learning at the K-12 level.

2018-01-15 - Applications are invited from post-secondary educators interested in attending the 2018 Institute on Project-based Learning at the Worcester Polytechnic Institute.

2017-12-27 - An article by EdSurge contrasts the differences between project-based learning and challenge-based learning.

Project Exemplars

Top PBL Websites

Among many other resources, PBLWorks (aka the Buck Institute for Education) publishes several PBL handbooks and a PBL best practices framework titled “Gold Standard PBL: Project Based Teaching Practices.”

Edutopia features a wealth of PBL resources, including blogs, videos, monographs, and a user forum.

The Pininterest Project-based Learning board links to a wealth of PBL resources.

2017-12-11 - The Michigan State University School of Journalism has published an article by Alexa Seeger, a journalism student, on project-based learning.

2017-12 - The Project Management Educational Foundation has published a new book on project management strategies applied to project-based learning.

2017-12 - Santa Clara University is organizing an International Conference on Active and Project-based Learning for February 2018.

2017-11 The Australian College of Kuwait is hosting a project-based learning symposium in March 2018.

2017-11 Check out how Maastricht University conceptualizes problem-based learning at their university website. Also check out the Problem-based Learning Academy website at Aalborg University in Denmark which publishes the Journal of Problem-based Learning in Higher Education.

2017-11 Mahbub Hasan, a PhD student at the University of Queensland, has drafted a presentation titled, “University students’ approaches to project-based learning (PBL): An Engineering context”

2017-11-07 Susan Kologi has written an article for Additude which explores how project-based learning can support students with attention deficit disorder.

2017-10-02 Education Week has published an article by Jeff Heyck-Williams which focuses on best practices for choosing project topics.

2017-09-28 CNN has published an article about project-based learning which asks “Are these the schools of the future?”

2017-09-23 - Check out the resources at The Centre for Project Based Learning in the Curriculum and Instruction Department at Sam Houston State University.

2017-09-01 - The Maury County Chamber & Economic Alliance has published an article which explores the workforce readiness outcomes of project-based learning.

2017-08-26 - April Smith has published a YouTube video which examines the basic elements of project-based learning from a classroom teacher’s perspective.

2017-07-01 - The journal Currents in Teaching and Learning has issued a call for papers on the topic of project-based learning at the higher education level. The special issue will be published in Spring 2018.

2017-06-03 - The Tarrant Institute for Innovative Education has published a blog entry, written by Katy Farber, titled “Take Project-based Learning to the Next Level.”

2017-05-31 - Duke University has published a blog entry, written by Esther Sackett that focuses on team-based learning strategies for higher education.

2017-05-09 - Ten Strands has published a blog entry, written by Jim Bentley, that connects project-based learning and environmental education.

2017-05-08 - The Buck Institute for Education, which normally focuses on K-12 education, has published a blog entry by Janet Watson (U.C. Berkeley) on the transition to project-based learning in higher education.

2017-03-05 - EduProject has published the handbook, Project-based Learning: A Project Management Approach.

2017-02-05 - EduProject has published the monograph Implementing Project-based Learning through University Curriculum by Ryanne Dailey.

2017-01-10 - EduProject has published the monograph Problems, Projects, and Promises: An Integrated Experiential Learning Capstone by Kushan Azadah and Mary-Beth Raddon.

2017-01 - The University of Michigan has published Teaching Project-based Assignments.

2017-01 - Check out the PBL resources at Teach Thought.

2016-11 - Bob Pearlman has published a list of upcoming PBL related conferences.

2016-11-23 - A recently published study by the Education Endowment Foundation calls into question the educational benefits of project-based learning at the K-12 level.

2016-09-07 - University Affairs has published the article, Why the Undergraduate Years Should Include a Research Experience.

2016-08-02 - Dr. Scott Wurdinger has published a Buck Institute for Education blog entry which focuses on PBL at the higher education level.

2016-08 - Getting Smart and the Buck Institute for Education have published Preparing Students for a Project-based World.

2016-06-14 - EduProject has published the monograph Engaging Community Organizations in Digital Projects by Jodine Perkins.

2016-06-01 - EduProject has published the monograph ‘Communities of Inquiry’ in Online University Courses by Matthew Stranach.

2016-04-24 - EduProject has published the monograph Q&A: A Commitment to Social Entrepreneurship by Aniqah Zowmi.

2016-02 - The Project Management Institute Educational Foundation maintains a Vimeo site which includes a collection of videos that focus on the intersection of PBL and project management best practices.

2016-02-05 - EduProject has published a facilitator’s guide by Amy Lin for a popular Edutopia PBL video.

2016-01-05 - EduProject has published the monograph Q&A: From Kindergarten to
Project-based Learning by Joanne Marie Babalis.

2015-12-16 - EduProject has published the monograph Q&A: A First Year Teacher’s
PBL Experience by Allison Spratt.

2015-10-25 - EduProject has published the monograph Online Tools for PBL by Tim Monreal.

2015-11-24 - EduProject has published the monograph Managing Risks & Constraints by David Hutchison (Editor of EduProject).

2015-09 - The Ontario Ministry of Education’s Student Achievement Devision has published Project-based Learning: Drawing on Best Practices in Project Management by David Hutchison (Editor of EduProject).

2015-05-06 - The Project Management Institute Educational Foundation has released the Project Management Kit for Primary School: Practice Guide for Tutors which is available for free download (registration required).

2014-10-14 - Learning in Hand has published a blog post titled Crafting Questions that Drive Projects which focuses on strategies for creating compelling driving questions.

2014-08 - Nichola Harmer at Plymouth University’s School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences has published Project-based Learning: Literature Review.

2014-05-27 - The Project Management Institute Educational Foundation has released the Foundational Guide – Project Management for Learning which is available for free download (registration required).

2014-04-04 - The Project Management Institute Educational Foundation has released the 21st Century Skills Map – Project Management for Learning which is available for free download (registration required).

2014-03 - The Partnership for 21st Century Learning has released the 21st Century Skills Map - Project Management for Learning.

2014 - KeyCoNet has published a teacher’s guide for Using Project-based Learning to Develop Students’ Key Competences which is written by Amanda Harper.

2013-03-23 - Jonathan Martin has published a blog post titled PBL: What Does the Research Say?

2013 - The Project Management Institute Educational Foundation has released the Project Management Toolkit for Teachers which is available for free download (registration required).

2013 - Lynn Burlbaw et al. have authored a chapter titled The Project Method in Historical Context (available online) in the Sense Publishers book, STEM Project-based Learning (2nd edition), by Robert M. Capraro et al.

2012-04-26 - The Science Education Resource Center at Carleton College has published the Assessing Project-based Learning website which includes links to additional resources.

2012-02 - The Paul Hamlyn Foundation has published Work That Matters: The Teacher’s Guide to Project-based Learning.

2011-02-11 - The Project Management Institute Educational Foundation has released the Project Management Toolkit for Youth which is available for free download (registration required).

2011 - The Pacific Education Institute has published Project-based Learning Model: Relevant Learning for the 21st Century which is written by Erica Baker et al.

2011 - The New Media Consortium has released Challenge Based Learning: The Report from the Implementation Committee.

2011 - The National Academy Foundation and Pearson Foundation have published Project-Based Learning: A Resource for Instructors and Program Coordinators.

2010-09 - Aalborg University has released Principles of Problem and Project-based Learning: The Aalborg PBL Model.

2009 - The New York City Department of Education has released Project-Based Learning: Inspiring Middle School Students to Engage in Deep and Active Learning.

2005 - McMaster University has published The Tutor in Problem-based Learning: A Novice’s Guide which is written by Dr. Allyn Walsh.